Hey all. I'm feeling much better now. Things are still a bit weird, but now its nothing I can't handle. I understand that I shouldn't worry, and things will work itself out. I'm sure of it!
I haven't really been working on any projects, but No-Brainer Episode 7 seems to be the thing I really want to start on. In case I didn't mention here, Episode 6 Part 2 will not be made. I pretty much backed myself into a corner of promising and promising. I just can't end the episode in a way I'm happy with it. I'm not sure if I'll ever go back and finish Part 2, but let's just move on to a new adventure.
Evercon (Local Gaming Convetion in Wausau, WI) is coming up, and I plan on doing the usual appearance. The only thing that's changed this year is no panel for me. Last years went really bad, and I'm not gonna do one unless the demand rises, which I know it won't so blech.
I've also been learning Maya. I really wanna 3D Model, so hopefully I go somewhere with that!
But yeah, everythings been great. New place, New girlfriend, New hope :)