So yes, in the title, it says scholarship. During the Summer Studio up in Minnesota, there was awards for Best In Show for every class, like Media Arts & Animation, Web Design, Culinary, etc. I won Best In Show for Media Arts & Animation, and awarded a $1000 Scholarship for the Art Institutes of International Minneapolis! I made a 30 second animation for the class as a final, and I posted it on YouTube so everyone can watch it!
Here is the video:
That only took 2 days to make, working from 8am, to 3:30pm. This shows I can make animations longer, and faster. Prepare yourself for a summer of No-Brainer Cartoons best.
Also, on the subject of No-Brainer Cartoons, I'm not sure what to do with No-Brainer Arena right now. I guess booting it back up was a bad idea. I guess I might do that when I want to, which might be around the time i'm done with No-Brainer 5. Iduuno. You can support the project by liking the page on Facebook here: http://www.facebook.com/NoBrainerArena
You can also like the Official No-Brainer Cartoons page here: http://www.facebook.com/NoBrainerCartoons
That's it for now. Catch ya later!
No-Brainers Attacks for No-Brainer Arena (WIP)
Awesome fight moves bro