Yeah so I guess you guys were expecting the main topic to be about No-Brainer 4. Yeah, it's almost done. I am working on it, but it's almost the end of the year soon, so I am probably gonna stay away from Flash AFTER No-Brainer 4 is done, then wait until the school year is over, then come back to it.
I have yet to decide what to do after NB4. I was thinking about making all these No-Brainer Shorts i've been drafting. There still fresh, and still funny, so I may go and do those, but I really want to work on Pony Cartoons when my Frame-By-Frame gets better. I noticed I'm tweening hardcore right now, and normally people don't like that, so I'm hopefully gonna get better with these shorts.
That's all there is to say on the matter. NB4 still coming soon.
So what's No-Brainer 4 gonna be about anyway?
Can't say anything yet, its a secret! :3