Hey guys, thought I'd update since December is such a big month for things to come out, thought i'd let my fans know what happening with me now.
I have decided to do a Christmas flash finally. I did one back in 2009 or 08 something like that. Wasn't REALLY about Christmas, just something old..anyways. Yeah, it's happening, picture below for proof.
No-Brainer Episode 4 is STILL being developed, seriously, just can't think of episodes that actually make me want to start another one. Don't worry, another one WILL come out. I think there is this fear in me that is telling me, "I'm going to screw up, i'm going to procrastinate, i'm going to take forever, i'm going to half-ass it." These thoughts are constantly in my head, and i hate letting people down (who doesn't?) so, in time, I will eventually pull myself together and make the 4th episode and focus on it with much of my spare time.
I should be honest here though, most of my free time at home is mainly consisted of dicking-around on the internet, with Youtube and Facebook, Playing TF2 and other things, developing side stuff, etc. I do however open Flash a lot when i'm on the computer, and i like to draw new characters. I would say my art has gotten better with drawing these characters, so thats a plus.
When I said developing side stuff, i did however start up this thing and it came out surprisingly well done. I may add to it and possibly make something official out of it! I'm not promising anything though. I would however like feedback on it. If you have played it, you'll notice its EXTREMELY similar to On the Rain Slick: Precipice of Darkness, which is why the music and gameplay is like it. I'm a huge fan of that game, and I wish they'd make Episode 3, but that won't be happening ever because Hothead stopped working with Penny-Arcade. Getting off-topic, sorry. With my lust to play another game like that, i decided to try and make something similar to it, with my characters. It seems like a good idea, but then again, i could be heading down a path to the eternal hell of Actionscript..
My facebook page is not doing so well and I would love you forever and ever if you'd just like the damned thing. GO NOW. If you like the page, this can tell me how many fans I may have reading thing. Whatever, help me and whatnot.
Thank you for reading all of that. If you didn't read all of it, c'mon man, i didn't type all of that just for you to skim and say Too Long Didn't Read.