The third episode is almost done and ready to be released. There will be a few things here and there that i can not fix (mainly audio and animation I will NOT go back and do). I'm finishing up the actual animation as we speak, then doing all of the lip syncing tomorrow, and possibly releasing it that day as well. Its been about 8 months since the last episode, so I want to apologize for that. The original plan for the third episode was kinda in production, and was canceled half way through, that really made everything worse. But this episode only took about 2 months to make, so it wasn't that bad, I had fun making it.
Small but interesting note:
I will be trying a new type of animation style with my cartoons, hopefully it all goes well.
No-Brainer Ep3: Gambling RELEASE DATE: June 30th
Just a quick character I drew up.
~Derrek Buerger