Well first off lets talk about the cartoon..
Its going absolutely fantastic, its hard to say whether its half done, or if theres more to do, lol. Finishing up scene 8 as I write this, probably would be done sooner if i could fine a way to make myself want to animate more, not that i don't want to, its just i lose the will to animate sometimes and get side-tracked. But this one is going to be finished soon, not setting a release date just yet!
A friend and I are making plans to go to the Penny Arcade Expo in 2011, now before you ask "why am i not going to the one this year?" (btw its the one in Seattle) It's because i didn't plan ahead and i don't have a job to get the money, and yes i know it'll be over $1000 to go (Badges are $35, hotel is probably $200, and the plane ticket is most likely over $500)
Here's a screenshot