HAI GUYS! Haven't heard from for like- ever! I got a programmer for SotC in case you didn't know (i seriously can't program this, my programmer is apperantly a master) and i have 2 potential musicians, but i may need a back-up person (that's you!).
I've been thinking on how SotC is going to turn out, i'm still working on all of the graphics, but i may stop and review how the game shall be played, i'm debating on whether it should be a normal story platformer, or a free roaming rpg (then i may change the title.). Leave your concerns in the comments.
You may notice the spy has brought a few friends, i may take SotC into a multiplayer optioned game to!
The Link's lesson in Love assignment for me for Open Ocean Productions is sadly, cancelled :( Computer that i was working on with it had Flash CS4 Pro, and CRASHED! :( Motherboard was fried...
***note for OOP, You may contribute to my SotC game by making music, art, etc. and you WILL be credited! All contributions must be informed of by you in a PM to me. Otherwise, you can't contribute :(***
***this will be the final pic of levels***
So did OOP cancel the Zelda thing or did you, because OOP sent me a message asking how much longer.
I had to cancel, the projects file was lost and i can't recover it.