Well, putting all this effort into these 3 projects i have in the making, it's tough to handle as of now. I've mainly been doing the Zelda flash, Which is so far called "Link's Lesson in Love". I mostly spent time doing the first backround, but this will be perfect when finished, see the screenshot! Here's the projects list:
Link's Lesson in Love: Much effort is being put into it, but running into problems with camera and pictures of how links house looks on the inside...
BBS Racing: Being worked on very little right now, with me having Adobe Flash CS4 now, i'm afraid the file for BBS Racing (which i'm making in Macromedia Flash 8) will change and I won't be able to work on it at my first workstation.
Break In: Might finish it sometime soon, but these other projects are constantly keeping me away from working on it. I want to get the hit-test corrected so they don't keep coming up as script errors on websites...
Good thing today: Got my Halloween decorations setup! Spooky as hell!
Hey man, the screenshot is looking really good you've got some skill.