Working on a LOT of new things. Vin has kinda been bumming me out. You ever have a project you work on, that takes forever? Then you just get sick of seeing it? Thats kinda how its been for me. I have to finish it so I can move on sometime..
Anyway, the new projects. I joined up with a BUNCH of collabs, Reanimates to be exact. I'm part of the Kirby Reanimate, Donkey Kong Country Reanimate, Super Mario RPG reanimate, and the Mario Hotel reanimate. These should be tons of fun and everyones submissions look amazing. I can't wait for you to see the final products. I finished the Kirby entry, now it's just the other 3.
I want to do more art, and animation, but it seems like most days I just don't get enough motivation to work on them. Hopeully my mood changes or something. I would love to keep working everyday. My full-time job has been giving me the full 40, and with the way things are working financially, it's hard to miss even one day. Most of my effort goes into the job. Sorry, i'm human, and can only do so much. Even on my days off it's just working on shit around the house that needs to get caught up. /rant
Sorry, sometimes a man just needs to vent. Hopefully I'll be back with another post about how amazingly close Vin is to completion!